Hi hi welcome to your cool cool valentines day site! If im on time (unlikely) i should send this to you by 12:00 and maybe beat you to the goodmorning. It would be cheating yes but it would also be valentines day so im sure i wouls get a pass lol. Anyways im going to use this part of the site to tell you a bit about the planning and thought process because idk it just seems fun.

So for starters it took me a bit to decide on a website, I wanted to get you something cool but i had like no idea what to get (and everything cool i get you gets stuck in the mail) so i was going to just settle on chocolate until i came across someone making a website for their dog. It was like one of those millenial things where the person types like their dog is the one making the post, anyways my mind way like oh yeah! a site thats perfect. It combines our favorite things yknow, you like techy coding things and I like decorating and makig things pretty, its like the total best thing to have as a valentines gift! From there i decided to try and create something that would be super thoughtful but also totally totally cool.

For the art i decided i wanted it all to look like they were drawn by diffrent people. It would be like we got our own fanart from other people which i found to be a cool concept. Having our own cool fanbase like we were cartoon characters sounds really really fun :O. Anyways i had to try and make a bunch of art so it would be a good little showcase. I decided to mostly do chibi art since thats the cutest style i saw and captured all the ushy gushy cuteness i tried to impliment into the pictures lol.

The music was something i thought was a super cute touch. I tried to impliment songs that reminded me of you when i was in middle school (when we first met) till now. Along with that i also just added some songs that were lovey dovey that were absolute bangers. And some that might not be that romantic (I think some are about getting rejected actually lol) but were just too good to not add. I recommend shuffling so you get a good even mix between the two :p

Lastly are games. I found some cool puzzel games on itch that i thought you would totally like. I really wanted to make my own little game and link it on the website but then realized how much money making games cost (wow who knew) so i have settled with showing you some games instead. Just pretend i personally made all of them :D.